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Multi-language Support

Support multiple languages in your site.

If you’d like to provide site content in multiple languages, the Docsy theme and Hugo make it easy to both add your translated content and for your users to navigate between language versions.

Content and configuration

To add content in multiple languages, you first need to define the available languages in a languages section in your site configuration. Each language can have its own language-specific configuration. For example, the Docsy Example Site config specifies that it provides content in English and Norwegian, and that the language version visitors will see by default is English:

contentDir = "content/en"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false
title = "Docsy"
description = "Docsy does docs"
languageName ="English"
# Weight used for sorting.
weight = 1
title = "Docsy"
description = "Docsy er operativsystem for skyen"
languageName ="Norsk"
contentDir = "content/no"
time_format_default = "02.01.2006"
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"

Any setting not defined in a [languages] block will fall back to the global value for that setting: so, for example, the content directory used for the site above will be content/en unless the user selects the Norwegian language option.

Once you’ve updated your site config, you create a content root directory for each language version in your source repo, such as content/en for English text, and add your content as usual. See the Hugo Docs on multi-language support for more information.

For adding multiple language versions of other site elements such as button text, see the internationalization bundles section below.

Selecting a language

If you configure more than one language in config.toml, the Docsy theme adds a language selector drop down to the top-level menu. Selecting a language takes the user to the translated version of the current page, or the home page for the given language.

Internationalization bundles

All UI strings (text for buttons etc.) are bundled inside /i18n in the theme, with a .toml file for each language.

If your chosen language isn’t currently in the theme and you create your own .toml file for all the common UI strings (for example, if you translate the UI text into Japanese and create a copy of en.toml called jp.toml), we recommend you do this in the theme rather than in your own project, so it can be reused by others. Any additional strings or overridden values can be added to your project’s /i18n folder.